Reuniting on record for the first time since 2015, The Rhythm Odyssey & Dr. Dunks arrive on Phantasy with a double-barrel delivery of legitimate weirdo disco, ‘El Cid’. Comprising of Chicken Lips’ own Dean Meredith and crate-digging DJ extraordinaire, Eric Duncan, both tracks come complete with additional playing from Andy Meecham aka The Emperor Machine. Out now on streaming platforms and 12" vinyl.Stream, download or order the 12" vinyl here Initially rolling like an eighties-era cop show theme, ‘El Cid’ gradually prises open a wormhole of rubbery machine funk, unleashing an electromagnetic weapon that seemingly triggers each and every drum machine and synth in the...
PH91 Kicking off the final stretch of #Phantasy100, 'Blue Ice/Meltwater' was a digital transmission of flawless liquid electro from the studio of one of Phantasy’s most prolific artist family members, Ghost Culture. 'Blue Ice’ delved into trippy euphoria, perfectly engineered to transmit a trance-like effect on listeners. All tunnelling energy, melting through layer-upon-layer of serotonin-altering rave oscillations, awash in a texture that lands somewhere between melancholy and euphoria, strobe light and sunrise. ‘Meltwater’ meanwhile begins unassumingly, executing a spacious rhythm that is soon consumed by powerful sub-bass weight and an almost overwhelming rush of analogue synthesis. An aquatic...
A key fixture in the record bags of DJs throughout the past few decades, best known for their unforgettably odd house anthem ‘He Not In’, it’s been some years since Andy Meecham and Dean Meredith last collaborated as Chicken Lips. As such, it’s with no little delight that Phantasy welcomes them back into the fold with one of their most mind-bending tracks yet, accompanied by a remix from a fellow stalwart of the underground, DJ Sotofett. Buy the 12" vinyl hereInstant and assured, ‘Goldenlips’ unrolls like licorice over ten blissful minutes, mining an undercurrent of post-acid house euphoria into a dreamy...