Debuting on Phantasy in 2021, PYTKO immediately created an experimental, vulnerable space within Phantasy’s musical landscape, delivering her own take on the label’s ‘psychedelic sensibility’. Her initial release ‘Save My Day’, remixed by DJ Python, was a brooding outsiders love song, replete with bristling guitar in the outsider spirit of This Mortal Coil or Dead Can Dance, conjuring dream pop textures within her personal but ambiguous songwriting.
Treating “music as material”, the Polish-born, London-based artist had listeners leaning in further on the recent follow-up ‘Silent’, encouraging listeners to lean in closer still, it’s story of a faltering love affair emerging from beneath bit-crushed electronics and rumbling bass notes, which seem to decay with haunting effect. Released digitally and on a limited, hand-numbered 7”, the flip contains a radical reimagining from Bullion, delivering one of the most unexpected and memorable remixes in Phantasy’s history.
PYTKO will release her debut album on Phantasy later in 2022. She recently played a live-hybrid DJ set during Phantasy’s takeover on Refuge Worldwide in Berlin.
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