Reuniting on record for the first time since 2015, The Rhythm Odyssey & Dr. Dunks arrive on Phantasy with a double-barrel delivery of legitimate weirdo disco, ‘El Cid’. Comprising of Chicken Lips’ own Dean Meredith and crate-digging DJ extraordinaire, Eric Duncan, both tracks come complete with additional playing from Andy Meecham aka The Emperor Machine. Out now on streaming platforms and 12" vinyl.Stream, download or order the 12" vinyl here Initially rolling like an eighties-era cop show theme, ‘El Cid’ gradually prises open a wormhole of rubbery machine funk, unleashing an electromagnetic weapon that seemingly triggers each and every drum machine and synth in the...
Initially paying tribute to the analogue absurdity, sonic diversity and sheer imagination of the early 90s dance music landscape, Future Four returns after a hiatus of several years, pushing into new eras, machines and ideals with 'Connection'. Initially a solo project of Andy Meecham, the brains behind Emperor Machine, Chicken Lips, and Bizarre Inc., 'Connection' is the first Future Four release to feature the contribution of Erol Alkan as a permanent member, and is a coupled with a remix from I:Cube, out now on Phantasy. A veritable powerhouse of synths, vintage drum machines and all manner of effects, 'Connection' unfolds with...
The Emperor Machine (aka one half of Future Four) will be playing a DJ set for Danse Fambo Number Four, this Thursday 7th April @ Rye Wax, Peckham.
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