Justice 'Waters of Nazareth' (Erol Alkan's Rework) taken from his 'Reworks Volume 1' compilation, a track long been out of print and highly sought after on vinyl. "This rework for Justice changed a lot for me. The sound that Ed Banger Records were pioneering was blowing up on the underground, and 'Waters Of Nazareth' arrived at the right time to take it to the next level. I was already close with Xavier and Gaspard for a few years by then, and I think I this was the first remix anybody had made for them, so I was really keen to not mess it up. My...
Scissor Sisters 'I Don't Feel Like Dancing' (Erol Alkan's Rework) taken from his 'Reworks Volume 1' compilation, a track long been out of print and highly sought after on vinyl. "I should admit I had no real idea where to go with this Scissor Sisters track when I first heard it, but I would have remixed it regardless purely because the band are friends. I knew it was a challenge to rework 'I Don't Feel Like Dancing' into a track for my Dj sets as I could clearly hear the original was going to be a genuine mainstream hit. After a couple of listens,...
Yeah Yeah Yeahs 'Zero' (Erol Alkan's Rework) taken from his 'Reworks Volume 1' compilation, a track long been out of print and highly sought after on vinyl. "This rework for Yeah Yeah Yeahs came about after I worked with Nick Launay (he mixed the Mystery Jets album 'Twenty One' which I produced) who insisted that I remix something from the next YYY album he was producing. I already knew the band well as they played one of their first ever UK live shows at Trash back in 2001, so it felt pretty natural to do a mix for them. I respect Nick a great...
Hot Chip 'Boy From School' (Erol Alkan's Rework) taken from his 'Reworks Volume 1' compilation, a track long been out of print and highly sought after on vinyl. "This rework for Hot Chip was finished in the same weekend as my rework for Justice; two pretty different tracks to work on around the same time, and weirdly enough both those mixes ended up as personal favourites.'Boy From School' took a little longer than 'Waters Of Nazareth', and I spent a few days initially going down the wrong path. The first version was far too faithful to the original and lacked any real space, but...