Babe, Terror returns to Phantasy with a unique audio-visual experiment, a timely ‘story that’s not actually a story’. Spanning audio and visual forms, you’re cordially invited to dive into ‘Ancient M’ocean', set for release on January 27th 2017.
Crystalised in Babe, Terror’s unique, cult vision of psychedelia, gentle and unusual pop melodies are awash with astonishing feedback throughout the most in-depth and compelling exploration of the Brazilian artist’s sound recorded to date.
Accompanying the record is a twenty-page illustrated comic, chronicling an understated sci-fi romance in a parallel world, out of reach of our own, soundtracked by Babe, Terror’s undulating, curious rhythms.
Come prepared for a trip unlike any other, and always a warm welcome back to a world that you had previously never heard of.
Format: 20-Page Comic + CD - limited to 300 physical copies.