Good God they were off putting . Left. Left. Leftleftleft.
Julia stared at the screen wondering if single men wanted to stay that way forever, as Marco, 27, held up his shirt to display what he probably imagined was a six pack, though if it was then it was one of those ones in the reduced rack where some of the cans had dents and the pack had had to be sellotaped shut. Left.
Tim, 32, posed, shades on, shirt off, a sea in blue rippling away behind him, holding up a large fish, whose terminal piscine expression pretty much mirrored Julia's. Why so many fish pictures? Like, about forty percent of the guys on here had a picture of them holding up a fish. It genuinely bemused her, she wondered if there was a female equivalent. Left.
Luke, 24, kind of looked ok - nice suit, good hair, the photo obviously from a wedding - several freelance limbs around the edges had survived the cropping. Well, let's have a look, Julia thought.Pic two he was trying to hold up the leaning tower of Pisa but hadn't got the angle quite right. Pic three he was on a gun range somewhere sunny, holding a sub machine gun, surrounded by The Lads who were all grinning like toddlers and waving at the camera. Hmmm. His profile read simply "I Have banter. You must have banter." Left.
The bus braked hard for a miscellaneous idiot, and her hovering finger, along with every torso on the deck, lurched forward. She just had time to see the face of Stan, 24, as the laws of motion forced her to jab the screen. Right.